Leslie Brown had few resources when she was released from an Illinois prison. She founded Leslie's Place to provide a home and support for women who, like her, were re-adjusting to society.

She soon returned to prison to motivate and inspire other women with the message that it is possible to start over. In 1994, she opened up her home and started Leslie's Place. In its first 10 years, Leslie's Place has provided a safe home, clothing, training, counseling and support for nearly 500 women.

While 60% of ex-inmates in Illinois are re-incarcerated in the first year after their released, 97% of Leslie's Place residents never return to prison. Their success is due in part to the programs, services and support that Leslie's Place provides.

The Quilt: Recognizing the potential, joining together to create something new, comforting and beautiful.

We deeply appreciate all of the support that we have received from our generous donors.